canadiary Winnipeg

Diary of Events and Happenings in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Jerry Rubin: Art That Pops

August 25, 2018 to August 31, 2018. August 25, 2018 to August 31, 2018I fall asleep every night thinking about the piece I'm currently painting; working out in my subconscious mind the details, colours, placements, and surmountable obstacles. Every morning I awake with joy, anxious to begin the fun. I paint meticulously while always looking to try something uniquely out of the box... I sometimes hide secret images in the pieces waiting to be discovered. Inevitably there is the anticipation of the adrenaline rush that completion always brings. My art is incredible fun for me; it makes me happy, it makes me smile and if it does the same for you, then my mission is accomplished.  Join us for an evening of celebrationPublic ReceptionWednesday, August 22nd, 7pm-9 pm   All are welcomeBack . Event Details. Location: 25 Forks Market Road, Johnston Terminal, The Forks, Winnipeg