canadiary Winnipeg

Diary of Events and Happenings in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Comedy at Wee Johnny's

February 18, 2020 to June 24, 2020. February 18, 2020 to June 24, 2020Tuesdays | 8 pm - Trivia Night ($3)Wednesdays | 9 pm - Open-mic comedy (Free)Thursdays | 8 pm - Monthly improv' & sketch comedy ($5)Friday | 9 pm - Stand-up Comedy ($10)First Friday of each month | 8:30 pm - Women's Open Mic hosted by Dana Smith. (Free - feminine hygiene products donations encouraged)Saturday | 9 pm - Comedy ($10)Accessibility: Unfortunately, Wee Johnny's is a non-accessible venue. The entrance is located down 1 flight of stairs, with small steps inside to the performance area.Bathrooms: Wee Johnny's currently has male and female gendered bathrooms, however, there are private bathrooms upstairs at Johnny's G's available to use.Safe Space: Comedy at Wee Johnny's is proud to maintain a respectful and safe environment for all its performances, and so are we. Discrimination, hate speech, and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Patrons who violate these terms may be asked to leave the performance.Back . Event Details. Location: 177 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg