canadiary Winnipeg

Diary of Events and Happenings in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

RAW - almond

RAW:almond is a temporary contemporary restaurant where some of the top chefs of Winnipeg will be collaborating to celebrate the beauty of our wonderful winter city on the ice. Each night chefs will be paired with chef Mandel Hitzer to create the 'coolest' culinary experience. The iconic dining hall, located at the corner of the Assiniboine and Red River, leans into the North Wind to help buffer against the elements. From the first to the last course and each glass of wine, this will prove the dining experience of the year. The dining room will be heated, and there will be heated outdoor lavatories but because this is limited to three weeks and Winnipeg winters are unpredictable warm attire is still recommended; don't forget to bring your long johns, toques and Sorel boots! RAW:almond was conceived by director Joe Kalturnyk of RAW: Gallery and Mandel Hitzer chef/owner of Deer + Almond,. RAW:almond will be built on the Forks, at the mouth of the Assiniboine and Red River. There is 3 seatings per night at 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 Here is this year's roster of chefs cooking this year at RAW:almond: Jan 24 a 25 deer + almond: Mandel Hitzer Jan 26 a 27 Bistro 7 ΒΌ: Alex Svenne Jan 28 a 29 Diversity: Ben Kramer and Aaron Epp Jan 30 a 31 Deseo Bistro: Scott Bagshaw Feb 1 a 2 Segovia: Adam Donnelly Feb 3 a 4 Peasant Cookery: Tristan Foucalt Feb 5 a 6 Yujiro: Edward Lam Feb 7 a 8 Pizzeria Gusto: Eric Lee Feb 9 Lobby on York: Jesse Friesen Feb 10 a 11 RRC: Luc Jean Feb 12 a 13 Teatro: Scott Barton-Browne div. Event Details. Location: Pdowntown